What’s Beneath?

I have met people who leave me with the impression of their vibrance. I can see/feel more of this with some folx, and less with others. 

Sometimes it’s like it’s just almost visible, but there is a veil cast over it. And I wonder, what would these people be like if they could slip out of the obscuring veil that society has thrown over them? 

How much more would they dazzle?

Two squares of bright green. On the left, a tall oval shape is covered in a grey cloth that is pinned down to the ground. The bottom of the shape peeps out from beneath the cloth, showing colors of bright pink, blue, and purple. Near the top of the shape the cloth thins, revealing more of the bright pink, blue, and purple. On the right, the shape is uncovered and hovering in the air. It is a tall pink oval, covered in purple spirals and blue and yellow dots.

Each person is unique. 

Each person is a fascinating, ever-shifting constellation of wonder. 

The veils of society, with its “shoulds” and “musts,” cannot destroy your wondrousness. Only obscure it. 

Two squares of orange. One the left, a tall oval shape is covered in a grey cloth pinned to the ground. The bottom of the cloth thins to reveal the shape is blue with lighter blue dots. On the right, the tall blue oval is revealed, and hovers off the ground. It has a line of pale blue dots at its top, and at its base. Its sides are carved with deep blue spirals.

It is my hope that we will each see, and recognize, our own wondrousness. 

No one else can remove the veil for us. Only we can shrug it off.

Two squares of rich lilac. On the left an egg shape is covered by a grey cloth pinned to the ground. The cloth is a bit transparent, revealing the egg shape is yellow with bands of red. On the right, the egg shape is uncovered and hovers above the ground. It is golden in color, with a band of red wrapping around it in a spiral. The red band is covered in pale blue dots, and is wrapped rather tightly. The egg shape squeezes out between the rings of the band.

Please take a step today, no matter how small or large, to acknowledge your own wondrousness.

Three brightly colored squares arranged vertically. The top square is bright green, with a tall pink oval hovering in the air. It is covered in purple spirals and blue and yellow dots. The middle square is orange with a tall blue oval hovering in the air. It has a line of pale blue dots at its top, and at its base. Its sides are carved with deep blue spirals. The bottom square is a rich lilac. A golden egg shape, hovering in the air, has a band of red wrapping around it in a spiral. The red band is covered in pale blue dots, and is wrapped rather tightly. The egg shape squeezes out between the rings of the band.

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