Mabon is shown as a woman with glowing yellow skin holds a glowing orange orb, she has orange hair and is crowned in sugar maple leaves. Behind her is a sky halved into day on the left and night on the right.

Mabon – Sept 22

The Wheel of the Year

“Turning Leaves”

The autumn equinox is when the day and night are approximately the same length. Then the days shorten for us in the northern hemisphere. We’re halfway to the darkness of the winter solstice.

Glowing with autumn’s rich orange colors, Mabon (MAY-bun) represents the autumn equinox, the start of fall. Behind her, the balance of light and dark is represented by the halved celestial disc: one side for the sun and the other for the moon.

She is crowned with fiery maple leaves at their peak of change, and with bare branches to remind us that a time of rest is approaching.

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